Monday, May 5, 2008

Six ways of reaching the apex to A+B+C

1. I began my assembly of parts A, B and C in no particular way. I changed the rotation, size and order of my shapes whichever way I felt at the time. I was experimenting and had no particular idea of what kind of shape could come out.
Looking closely at my form after awhile, I began to think it looked like a snowflake. I decided to follow this idea more carefully when I added my further pieces.

2. Photographs of snowflakes. No two are the same.

3. FRACTALS- shapes made up of mini versions of the same shape. A snowflake is a fractal. These coils are fractals... coils inside bigger coils inside bigger coils inside etc
This differs from my work because there is a systematic approach towards the assembly of shapes whereas I added my pieces with no system whatsoever.

4. Unfinished top view of 'snowflake' and a random quantity of pieces A, B and C. They are irregular in number because of the ecclectic order in which I assembled my object. However, at first I copied an equal amount of each part. So my snowflake will be made of equal parts but disorderly combined.

At this point I am adding my tubes as prongs of the snowflakes and these are the core of the shape.

5. Right hand view of 'snowflake' and the assorted parts ready to be added. At this stage, it is close to reaching the apex but needs more dimension from all sides and angles.

6. A photograph I found of ice crystals.
Perhaps a form of snowflake or parts of a snowflake.
These are more representative of my work, they fall in no apparent order, size, rotation.

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