This is what I thought my final mask would be. It seems as though my idea of turning Michael into a younger version of himself (an unmask) has turned into a project of portraying Michael as he continues to 'plastic' himself....deterioration over time.
In that case..

perhaps this image, (the mask turned to be a top view) is the most effective mask for Michael Jackson.
*the dripping
*melting effect
*shows how man made things don't last forever and the things we often hold on to will some day waste away.
*It asks that question: what will Michael be left with when his plastic features melt away?
*it is still an unmask.. as it is the process of Michael being 'unmasked' over time/as he ages/dies
*frailty of skin and the idea of the soul being stronger and more lasting
*soul/spirit/mind etc give a more accurate representation of who we really are